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Juan 4: 23-24



Hadassah Vincent Consuming Fire
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     Hadassah Vincent


IMG-20230613-Avocado Corn Bread by GardenSpice_edited.jpg

Avocado Corn bread (ACB) Recipe by GardenSpice 1/2 Ripe Avocado pear (blend gently) 2 cups corn flour, 1 cup powdered milk, 1 teaspoon each baking powder and baking soda, 1/2 tablespoon each mixed spices,   ground lemon peel, pepper, 2 tablespoons honey, 1 large egg, 5-10 tablespoons warm                      water, 1 tablespoon veg. oil, 1/4 teaspoon seasoning/salt to taste. Mix dry items fully, add wet ones and microwave at mid temp for 6 to 8 mins. Vary ingredients as desired. be continued

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Se requiere una comida nutritiva para una vida saludable. Sin embargo, la elección correcta de alimentos y bebidas es imprescindible para obtener un resultado óptimo y deseable. El autocontrol es un fruto del Espíritu Santo, que es muy esencial para resistir el impulso incesante y los antojos de comida chatarra.


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Y sabemos que a los que aman a Dios, todas las cosas les ayudan a bien, esto es, a los que conforme a su propósito son llamados. Romanos 8:28

Señor Jesús, has capturado mi corazón y nunca te dejaré ir para siempre














"Fire Angels Are Being Released!" Donna Rigney, Salt Springs, Florida The Awesome Affects of Opened Portals On May 19, 2023, while in prayer in St. Cloud, Minnesota, before leaving to minister to release the glory...

"5783: Trumpets, Storms, Eagles, Lions, Rainbows & More!" Johnny Enlow, Nashville, TN September 26, 2022 was the first full day of Rosh Hashanah, or the Feast of Trumpets. This was the beginning of the Hebraic new year on Israel's civic calendar, and for them it was the beginning of the year 5783. In God's economy, Israel is His firstborn of many nations (Exodus 4:22) and through whom Jesus came; so there is a prioritization

"God Said: 'My Boomerang Is Coming'" Yvon Attia, Miami, Florida As I was praying about this season, I kept having several dreams and open visions about boomerangs. While I was thinking about this, my spiritual eyes were opened to see that the boomerang symbol is very similar to the Hebrew letter "Vav," which has the numerical value of six in the Hebrew alphabet. It also denotes the number for humanity. Adam was created in Elohim's image

Hank Kunneman- "I have declared in My words," says the living God, "that in these days that you are in – yes, these days – I would shake everything that can be shaken. And so I am," says the living God.

Barry Wunsch: Prophetic dream (March 28, 2023 at 3:33 AM): I had a very vivid dream encounter through ..Here it is, as raw as I can share...nothing more, nothing less. I share it with fear and trembling, out of obedience to the Father. My prayer as I share this is that His will be done here on Earth as it is in Heaven, that He may blow upon all that is of Him, and that all else would fall to the ground and die. May He be lifted up and be glorified, and may His people be sheltered under the shadow of His wings. This Is the Emergency Broadcast System! I saw a cell phone go off with the EBS (Emergency Broadcast System). As I looked at it and heard the sound of the alarm, it flashed, "Warning, warning warning!" Then I heard this announcement: "This is an emergency. This is not a test. Find shelter. Remain indoors. Await further instructions." The next thing I knew, I was taken in the spirit and was looking down on North America as if from a satellite. As I watched, I saw state after state .... Barry Wunsch The Canadian Hammer Email: Facebook Ministry Page: Click here

Below is a transcription of the word Robin Bullock released on Mt. Carmel in Israel on April 30, 2023, during our Elijah List Israel Tour. Robin Bullock leads in a group declaration: "Like David with his stones, all the enemies of Israel, I come at you in the name of the Lord, and He will deliver you into our hands, and will smite you and take your head from you and give the carcasses of the hosts of the enemies of Israel to the fowl of the air and to the beasts of the field. "Right now, it is time to take our nation back and free God's people from its enemies, and take back all that God has given to every free nation. It is time to release the word for Israel to deliver them. It is time to prophesy our freedom to the nations. It is time to release the word of the prophetic together to bring the giants down! "We say unto the giants of the land today that the Lord would deliver you into our hands! "Now lift your hands and praise God a minute." (Robin addresses the crowd) "So, from the place where Elijah faced the prophets of Baal and called down fire from Heaven – this is the place, today, that we prophesy to the enemies of Israel. From here we prophesy

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